zeeNews WordPress Theme, Copyright 2013 ThemeZee.com zeeNews is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL =================================== Thanks for Downloading zeeNews =================================== Thank you for downloading my theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please visit themezee.com. Thanks so much! It is completely optional, but if you like the Theme I would appreciate it if you keep the credit link at the bottom. ----------------------------------- Table of Contents * A) Requirements * B) Installation * C) Wordpress Options * D) Theme Options * E) Social Media Icons * F) Theme Colors * G) Page Templates * H) Theme License * I) Licenses of bundled resources ----------------------------------- =================================== A) Requirements =================================== The theme has been tested on all major browsers including Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari. Your browser should have JavaScript enabled to make this theme work! For example the DropDown Navigation and the Content Slider need Javascript to work. The theme works on the latest Wordpress version without any problems. Previous versions have not been tested and are not supported. I suggest to update your wordpress installation, especially due to security flaws. =================================== B) Installation =================================== 1. Automatic Installation Go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Themes > Install Themes > Upload and choose the theme zip folder. 2. Manual Installation Upload the theme files to your wordpress theme folder wp-content/themes and activate the theme in your wordpress admin panel. That's it! To find out more about installing WordPress themes please also see the WordPress documentation. =================================== C) Wordpress Options =================================== Afterwards you should read a few more detailed explanations about the features and recommended settings of your downloaded theme. 1. Post Thumbnails This theme uses the wordpress post_thumbnail function. You can easily add your thumbnail in every post by clicking on Set featured image in the Featured Image box on the right, upload your picture and click Use as featured image. 2. Media Settings The size of your thumbnail images is set in your wordpress media settings and can be changed at WP-Admin > Settings > Media. The theme uses medium_size in single posts and pages and thumbnail_size in index and archiv files. 3. Pagination The theme includes css styles for the 'wp_pagenavi' plugin. Simply download the plugin here and install it to use pagination. =================================== D) Theme Options =================================== The theme contains an own admin page for further settings. Login to your Wordpress admin panel and go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Theme Options. There are several settings to change the logo, layout and colors of your theme. Furthermore you can manage the Featured Post Slider, Ad Spots and Networks. Every theme option is quite well explained so I hope there shouldn't be any questions. These settings should definitely reduce the launch time for your wordpress website. For any other changes which can't be made with the admin page you have to manually change the files. =================================== E) Social Media Icons =================================== zeeNews comes with the ability to show your favorite Social Media profiles with smart Social Icons. Please visit Appearance > Theme Options > Social Media tab to configure the URLs to your social profiles. You can display the social icons in the header area or simple use the Social Media Widget to display the icons. Please note that the widget also uses the profiles you have inserted in the theme options and does not come with extra options. =================================== F) Theme Colors =================================== My theme comes with a couple of color skins from which you can select one in the theme option panel. You can also choose the custom color skin and add your own hex color code via the theme option panel. =================================== G) Page Templates =================================== I have included a few, nice page templates for advanced content presentation. 1. Fullwidth Template This template shows a static page without the blog sidebar 2. Slider Template Shows a static page with the featured posts slider included. 3. Sitemap Template Shows a Sitemap with the latest posts, pages, categories and archives. =================================== H) Theme License =================================== zeeNews is released under the GNU general public license. That means you can use this theme on all of your pages - for personal or commercial purposes! =================================== I) Licenses of bundled resources =================================== 1. Logo / Background images, Copyright 2013 ThemeZee.com Images such as logo or background pictures included in this theme package are created by myself and licensed under GNU GPL. License URL of Logo / Background images: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html 2. Featured Post Slider The slideshow is based on the great jQuery Cycle Plugin, which is dual licensed under MIT and GPL. (http://jquery.malsup.com/license.html) Plugin Source: http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/ 3. Social Media Icons, Copyright 2013 ThemeZee.com The bundled social media icons used in the SocialMedia widget are created by myself and licensed under GPL. You can download the Icon Set on themezee.com/free-social-media-icons/ 4. Fonts All Fonts used in the theme are from the Google Font API and are GPL-compatible licensed (mostly SIL Open Font License (OFL)) =================================== Enjoy! =================================== Once again, thank you so much for downloading this theme.