=================================== zeeNews Changelog =================================== Version 1.3.4 ----------------------------------- - added ability to show social icons in header area Version 1.3.3 ----------------------------------- - added copyright information Version 1.3.2 ----------------------------------- - added license URL for background/logo images in readme.txt Version 1.3.1 ----------------------------------- - fixed search widget style Version 1.3 ----------------------------------- - added theme hooks for better child theme support * wrapper before/after * header before/after * widgets before/after * footer before/after - added filters for query arguments in widgets (popular/recent posts and comment widgets) - added two hooks to allow adding own icons to the social media icons widget - added "open in new window" feature to social media icons widget - changed postmeta and postinfo implementation from hook based to pluggable functions Version 1.2 ----------------------------------- - changed style of search button - fixed pingback/trackback styling - added license information of bundled resources to readme.txt - fixed blockquote styling Version 1.1 ----------------------------------- - made custom javascript functions pluggable - added "open in new window" feature to banner ads widget - made sidebars and navigation menus also translate-able - moved comment-reply script from header.php to functions.php - changed theme options to escape all $_GET variables - changed wp_title implementation to work with filter (recommended way) Version 1.0.2 ----------------------------------- - made link title "Return to Gallery" in image.php translateable - changed the template tag to include stylesheet to get_stylesheet_uri() - changed name of stylesheets handles in wp_register_style functions to be unique Version 1.0.1 ----------------------------------- - fixed debug errors at widget backend - fixed debug error at jscript.php - fixed enqueue style.css to make the theme child-theme compatible - add image.php to display gallery images with navigation links Version 1.0 ----------------------------------- Final Version