How does shopping cart work?
shopping cart includes: - Storefront, that
displays this information to store visitors
(e.g. product detail pages,
checkout pages, etc.) - Administration
area, that allows you, the store
administrator, to manage your store.
cart allows you to sell your products
online. It allows you
to take credit card payments
shipping information when your
customers buy from you.
Show your product
You will have a product catalogue with your
shopping cart. It lets you list all products you have for sale
and let you use thumbnail images, allowing your customers to
scan through your products more easily.
PayPal is an email payment system that allows
you to take credit cards, debit cards, or bank account payments, without needing
a merchant account.
PayPal is well known for its security
methods that protect both buyers and merchants. As a result, many customers
prefer to make online transactions using this system.